Coming Home

Yes, I am STILL alive. The past few months have been a giant emotional, mental and physical roller-coaster.  Ended a seven year relationship, took a semester off grad school - taking on the dean is quite a challenge, CRIED, put our once shared house on the market, ATE, packed, rented my first U-haul, moved, SHOPPED.  Shitballs its been busy.  Now that I'm all settled in and 90% unpacked I can come home.  To you, and best of all, to Tracy.  I've been sporadically giving Meta Continuity 1.1 (part 1) a good old fashioned try over the last few months (don't judge, I'm aware they are in 10 day increments) since I finished Meta (abcentric) with a friend and took a much needed girls weekend to Miami to celebrate its completion in May (again, don't judge I'm aware it is damn near October and I have yet to post ANYTHING yet).  I'm SO glad to be back blogging and keeping in touch with all of you - I've missed you ALL! 

My 29th birthday just passed and in celebration of "The Last Year of My 20's", I've decided to open up my  life a bit more to you and cover the three things I hold most important; LIVE, EAT, and LOVE (sorta like a modified Happiness Project). 

- LIVE   - Devoted to fitness , I'll cover all things TAM, plus keep you posted on my latest fit finds to help destress and keep the truffle shuffle at bay utilizing mind, body, and spirit.

- EAT    - It's no secret, I'm OBSESSED with food. Bringing people together over a meal (more importantly wine), picking fresh ingredients, going to a fab restaurant, trying new recipes, and best of all savoring each bite of a delicious treat.  Here I'll share recipes, reviews, and tips.

- LOVE - Relationships are not a cake walk, but one of the most important and rewarding things in life. I'll share my thoughts on creating strong, healthy, happy relationships and ways to surround yourself with positive, supportive, loving, people.

Obviously, I will be posting my Meta results and pics ASAP (my notes are in that last 10% of nonsense I've yet to tackle - details), along with explaining my extended absence and all the fun things I did (and didn't) do while away.  It feels AMAZEBALLS to back, and I can't wait to catch up with all of you!  Pop open a bottle of vino loves, it's about to get personal :)

Love & TAM,

Doctor's Note: TAM


Can You Get Cankles From Eating Cheesecake?