The final phase of metamorphsis is here! Thank God.  Let's be honest, dance cardio is not my friend, more like a frienemy I secretly wish gets fat and starts buying "dress sweats".

The following is a "rough" version of my whereabouts this past summer - months late I know.  Looking back I did better than I thought I did.  As for right now, I need my ass kicked in a serious TAM way. Just sayin.

Food - I threw away my log and quit the elimination diet, the first doctor visit left something to be desired, she didn't even listen to me!  I'm taking this into my own hands...stay tuned.

Pictures - %^&* Blackberry.  They're gone :(

Day # 71 5/15 - Sunday - back from Chicago, no workout-early rest day, made food for Monday.  Chilliaquiles (nibble of others), Starbucks, ghiradelli squares-2, praline pecans, 2 pop chips,chicken with sauteed onions/green peppers with cheese, broc with cheese, wine.

Monday-apple/pear/cinnamon, not bad.  Lunch still starving and the only thing I liked (I despise cucumbers so they didn't make it into my cart) was the tomato, lime juice, cumin, and seeds. think thin bite, kashi bar, chicken, green chilies (no asparagus - moldy), green peppers (didn't eat). Came away from Chicago seemingly unscathed after Chicago at 116.6.  I ate alot of garrets popcorn and we each packed BAGS of snacks for the drive AND got snacks at the gas station. Did mat, 10 mins cardio.

Weight 116.6; up 3 lbs from Chicago/measure day

Tuesday 5/17  - 116.0 mat and 10 mins cardio before work.  spelt wrap, nutella, banana. (lunch and learn) Salad, chix salad wrap, pecan tort, small bite of popcorn. 20 mins meta cardio after cards game.  2 glasses of champagne, bacon wrapped hot dog with pickle, pi co DE Gallo, and BBQ sauce.

Wednesday - weight 116.6; strawberries w/ blueberries and maple syrup, think thin, enchilada, beans/cheese, wine (family over - need I say more?). Managed mat; no cardio :(

Thursday - weight 116.6 no workout,Starbucks skinny vanilla latte, chicken, 1/2 green pepper, green chilies, boiled egg

Friday-crown candy, hardees taste test, turkey club, fruit. wkout 116.6  I'm surprised I didn't explode form the food overload.  Jeez.

Sat-think thin, movies/food/alcohol, jcrew apt 116.6, 20 mins of cardio, mat.  For those that don't know, I'm ADDICTED to JCrew and they have a new "personal shopper" service.  It's FREE.  I did some serious damage...

Sun- brunch, praline pecans, wine, pickle: no wkout

Mon - honeydew, cheese tortellini with sauce, grapes

Thurs-think thin bar, pizza, grapes, ghiradelli squares, wine/champagne

Friday-car broke down :(, banana, breakfast croissant

Pulled pork nachos @ the  cards game

Winery - need I say more?

Won TAM tshirt in mail from trivia contest, uber cute!

Work staff mtg 6/8-6/10 in Colorado - rocked all my new pieces from JCrew, we won't talk about food or alcohol...

Random thought: two tootsie rolls and some water (Tracy sis recipe). What day was this?  No one knows.

6/12 - banana "foster", fruit (cut up), chix wild rice soup, bananas foster (should have made bread or let spoil - I'm addicted to these), 1/2 granola bar, mat work.

Weight 120 (6/14) - pineapple/blackberries, chix wild rice soup (homemade)

Weight 120 6/13 - watermelon, cherries, organic girl salad; balsamic & berries, pho, 1 egg roll, 2 pieces grilled shrimp, cookie-wich (oatmeal sandwiched between butter cream- NOT healthy nor calorie free), glass of wine

There you have it.  My abbreviated blog for the summer months. Not my usual OCD ways, but I promise the next post will be better.

Love & TAM,

Ab Continuity (Disc 1): Oh #$^&, Don't Kick Me


Doctor's Note: TAM