Monday Musings

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  1. This made me cry happy tears. More on the artist, here.
  2. On a happy marriage.
  3. 31 days, of PIE. I support this cause 200%
  4. My custom dress with Eshakti, here. Get 10% off each order till 1/23/15 with code "yeartwentynine".
  5. Life, lived according to Pinterest. LOL funny -- already requested THIS book from the library, want to try THIS sharpie DIY, and make THIS, THIS, THIS and THIS.
  6. These festive wallpapers make my day
  7. These photos...
  8. Ninety Nine cheese pizza. Yes. Please.
  9. On the struggle to workout during the holidays -- I feel this...
  10. This makes me want a pet elephant even more.

What are YOU musing about this Monday?

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An Old Irish Blessing...


A few of my favorites (November) edition