The Business Of Being Knocked Up, (Bebe' Dos): First Trimester

Eleven Weeks
I started typing this post around 20 weeks, if that is any indication of the whirlwind that is starting a new career, wrangling a toddler, and the like #secondchildproblems. The fatigue fog (so.much.fatigue) slowly lifted, fibroid's are behaving themselves/a non-issue this go round and mercifully, less morning sickness -- hallelujah! 

In case you missed it, our pregnancy announcement

I’d be lying if I said that there wasn't a certain level of disbelief seeing the positive pregnancy test, and we were trying which makes it that much funnier to me.  I guess you see so many negative tests you decide before you read the results this isn’t the month.  But it was!

Six Weeks


No aversions to smell! All carbs, all the time. Coffee is a strong -- hell nah. Like last time, meal prep is futile and take out based on how I felt that day, for the win.  See also, my checkbook was hit, hard.


Hahahahaha. The workouts I managed to make time for/survive, here.  I follow Good for the Swole on Instagram and subsequently purchased her pregnancy workout guide.  Stay, tuned.

Total weight gain: lost 1lb

Fourteen Weeks
Surprises about being pregnant

The usual suspects returned: cramps, uncontrollable flatulence, constant urinating, bile rising (though "less" this time), digestive issues and accompanying paranoia/anxiety that is gestating.

NEW this time: A sinus infection that would never end. Also, I'm always freezing. Fatigue is at a new level I never knew existed

Bought anything: no

Calls to my OB: 3 effing sinus infections


week 4: POSITIVE!!! Went to Loufest.

week 5: Our. First. Photo.

week 7: And, I'm down for the count.  Dreaming of watermelon and Jolly Llama popsicles.

week 8: David Gray/Allison Kraus concert!

week 10: Kicked that AWFUL sinus infection, finally.  Thank you, Allegra D. 

week 11: 1st prenatal yoga class.

week 12: So emotional! Le' tired. Famished. Grossed out. Finished.  ALWAYS cold. Also, I started a new job!!!

First trimester, Owen

Bookshelf, As Of Late


Photo {and Video!} Diary: Boston