Duktig, A DIY

Kitchen/Shopping Cart {similar, ours came with play food}/Play Food

That one time, I bought a play kitchen with lofty goals to assemble, then promptly forgot about it. For months. Once I actually took the time to figure out how I wanted to design it, it quickly became a labor of DIY love.

For paint I chose a soft grey (Behr Dolphin Fin) that we had leftover from our master bedroom refresh that ended up being the perfect shade to give a little pop of color, without being too saccharine.

Marble Contact Paper countertops because, why not?!

Chalkboard Spray Paint on the back to allow for maximum use without our home looking (even more) like a toy store.

While I was 100% more excited than Owen to play kitchen once complete, he’s grown to like “cooking” if your lucky, he’ll even deliver meals to us to enjoy, and pushes the shopping cart around chasing the dogs mercilessly. 

Working On My Gestating Fitness: February


Bookshelf, As Of Late