Friendsgiving: 2022

Our 3rd annual Friendsgiving was the perfect mix of heritage dishes, tried and true favorites and a few new recipes that the evening felt less effort and more fun, allowing three bustling families more time to spend gathering.

The addition of a cooking schedule (by way of post-it note) on the refrigerator provided cooking time road-map that cleared up stove/oven traffic jams of years past and created a much calmer backdrop for the evening. It also helped that the papas took all the kids (7, including the latest addition of Baby Garrett!) out on the patio allowing for interruption free prep.

As always, each family provided a few dishes and wine to share. The kids are maturing, which meant a bit less refereeing and more actual conversation. What a treat! It goes without saying that I spent the evening vasicalting between holding my wine glass and getting in some delicious baby snuggles. And, as it appears Asher is just as baby crazed as I - which is precious but also, I don’t like to share.


(crowd favorite) Epic Cheeseboard - It turned out more goat cheese varietal forward than I anticipated. Note to self: remember to shop my carefully curated shopping list.

(new) Stuffing Meatballs - flavorful, fun twist. Staunch stuffing lovers appreciated the effort, but we will return to the OG next year.

Mashed Potatoes - my Aunt Reba’s recipe will forever be my favorite. One day I will nail it. One day.

(new) Umami Gravy - a welcome respite from my packaged gravy mishap of 2020.

Cranberry Sauce - thanksgiving, in a can. No other itteration will do.

(new) Gingerbread Swirl Bundt Cake - sweet child of mine. Delectable crumb with the perfect hint of warming gingerbread spices. Next year I will remember to mix up the prepped Chanitlly Cream lying in wait in the refrigerator to go alongside. Perhaps a fresh berry or two as well?

Green Beans - There is nothing more satisfying that southern green beans dotted with pork and onion.

(crowd favorite) Smoked Turkey with Horseradish Sauce - our resident grill-master gifted us with the most beautiful bird on a platter (with orange peel garnish!) that captivated us all and there is nary a photo record because we made that whole turkey disappear.

Strawberry Pretzel Salad - the first year Katelyn made this salad I made myself SICK on three helpings. Happy to report it tastes as delightful as always and I’ve learned the importance of portion control(ish)

(crowd favorite) Rolls - yeasted, handmade and best warm from the oven slathered in butter our friend Laura now doubles the recipe to satiate our very reavenous bunch.

Pumpkin Pie - It’s not thanksgiving without the cornerstone gourd on the table.


Holidays + Year in Review: 2021

