Day #24 - Hip Popping Good Time

I must be getting old. Or, all the jumps, stunts and cheering tore my body up when I was a cheerleader.  Or, my 6 years of coaching competitive cheer and gymnastics could have played into that.  Whatever the reason,  my hips literally pop during mat work, not painful, just a funny thought at 28 my body would have it's own soundtrack.  I feel like my great grandma who used to "feel in her bones" when it was about to rain.  Except my radar is off, I only creak when I'm knee deep into my mat work sweating like a pig.  I'm such a lady :)  Today I was traveling for workout again, so hotel workout 2.0 was in full effect!

Weight - up .8 pounds since yesterday: 6.6 lost total.  Considering my reduction in cardio due to studying for midterms I'm not surprised. 

Food - Breakfast; orange.  Lunch; apple. Snack; dried mango. Dinner; roasted chicken salad with honey mustard dressing.  I had an AWFUL headache and was really irritable today, maybe dehydration, lack of sleep, tired from the long drive, and/or the stress of my pending midterm.  Whatever it was had my head pounding.  I almost went straight to bed without dinner when I checked into my hotel, but thankfully my sane side kicked in and I felt alot better after I ate dinner.  Today was insanely busy, hence the fruit meals.  I knew I'd be traveling, wasn't hungry for my lunch, and couldn't bring anything with me other than mango, green tea, and an apple because I didn't know the refrigerator situation.  The easy go to snacks (healthy of course)  are perfect for me when I'm on the road (ALOT), so I'll be sure to continue to pack those staples (and find more) to help keep me on track and away from vending machines and convenience stores (the only convenience is the extra fat it adds to your ass!)

Workout - due to my hotel room, I wasn't able to do #37, the downward dog death move, so I skipped it.  Honestly, my headache was so FIERCE once I started working out I thought I was going to be sick or pass out.  Must be the wonderful flu like symptoms back with a vengeance, joy.  I got thru all the leg mat work (minus the last one) before I HAD to lie down to rest.  Like I said before, I had resigned myself to the fact I was not going to have dinner because I didn't feel well and began to study.  Once I came to my senses about the flu symptoms (and bitched to my angelic friend incessantly about how much I suck because I couldn't finish my workout), I decided to tough it out, calling those awful flu like symptoms bluff and finishing my mat workout!  Granted, it took 5 hours to finish my mat work because I kept taking breaks and I was totally in my PJ's and not gym clothes (or shoes for that matter) but I got through it!  Did I mention I totally used the squishy hotel ottoman as my chair?  SO glad housekeeping did not walk in during my workout, lol. I could not believe my determination, a month ago I would have just chalked it up to a bad day and decide to try again tomorrow, whilst stuffing my face with junk food to drown my squishy girl sorrows away (which only makes me MORE squishy but I digress).  I didn't do cardio tonight, and although I was bummed I still felt extremely proud to have pushed past my horrendous flu like sypmtopms, dig deep to complete my mat workout.  I TOTALLY put on my big girl pants and did the damn thing!

24 down, 6 to go.  Bring it flu like symptoms!

Day #25 - FIVE


Day #23 - "Off your meat & onto your feet"