Day #25 - FIVE

Five. Sweet number five.  The number of fingers on each hand, the number of toes on your foot.  Most importantly (more me anyway), is that is the number of days I have left of my 30 TAM boot camp, I'm equally excited and scared. Excited because I will have completed my 30 day journey, and scared (OK, terrified) of what I will do next.  I've already purchased TAM's Perfect Design Series (all three parts) and Beginner Dance Cardio, but I'm at a loss.  Do I continue everyday (plz God no), 5 times a week?  Guess I still have some research to do before Monday. 

Weight - No scale @ hotel. I felt good so, on days I cannot weight myself I rely on how I feel.  today was going to be a good day...

Food - Breakfast: Apple.  Lunch; Shrimp w/ Stir Fry Veggies. Snack; Banana w/ Almond Butter.  Dinner; It was my friend's birthday so we went to a fab posh BBQ restaurant.  Had 1/2 an apple stuffed with pulled pork (I scraped off the topping)), some roasted chicken (literally the ENTIRE chicken came out), and roasted asparagus.  I'm not going to lie, EVERYTHING was phenomenal, but I did NOT have any BBQ sauce (my fave condiment) or their famous smothered fries (think white homemade cheese sauce, pulled pork, and yumminess), and did not order dessert.  I'm proud of myself  :) 

Workout - Woke up bright and early (5 am) my hotel room to workout before the day began.  Did all the leg exercises (in my pj's-minus #37) before I had to get dressed and check out.  Once home I did arms and abs, completing 40 reps of everything, along with 20 minutes of cardio.  Today my shoulder was giving me fits, but what's a girl to do, my arms are slim and almost firm, a little shoulder pain won't hurt :)

Driving for extended periods of time utterly exhaust me.  I went in search of a Starbucks to grab a hot green tea (and caffeine contact high), only to get LOST. TWICE. I think it's been said I am NOT a fan of my Blackberry, but dear lord I almost chucked it out the window. twice.  Frustrated, I said "screw it" and drove home, tired and crabby, stopping to have lunch and rest a bit.  This was momentous for me.  I have NEVER had a meal on my own to my recollection. NEVER.  Lucikly I had my textbook and spent my time studying, proud I was being an adult who does not need someone else to dine , and because I had a chance to study.

I hightailed it to the grocery store for my cleanse items since it starts tomorrow.  Sadly, I was up past 10:30 cooking my cleanse food but I have enough to last the whole cleanse I think which is HUGE! 

25 days down, 5 to go; Cleanse here I come!

Day #26 - Midterms & Movies


Day #24 - Hip Popping Good Time