Fiery Damnation

Not gonna lie, I tried to talk myself out of my workout my entire drive home yesterday.  I even had rationalizations for my excuses (I need to cook, do homework, go to bed early - I puled out all the stops)!  Of course my accountability partner saw right through my excuses.  I had fully resigned myself to not working out till I actually got home and the guilt set in.  I'm letting my dear friend down, my mini baby abdominals "could" be swollen in the morning (Lord knows I'm too vain to let that happen-again), and Tracy will surely find out and beat me to a bloody pulp.  Ten seconds after stepping foot in my door I cranked up my space heater, texted my friend, who said "I knew you'd workout :)" and got to work.  I did feel better after all was said and done, but it was no picnic.  Mat work brought the same fiery damnation to my legs as expected, and 40 minutes of cardio was a sweaty, flailing, comical, hot mess.  I've noticed doing the Meta Cardio (30 min) then doing BC Cardio (10 min) I totally look forward to BCC, when, during boot camp I dreaded the awful techno and prayed for that last grapevine (yes I count them- there's 4) so I could find sweet relief in pressing the "stop" button.  My side stitches had relocated to my lower ab area, so bouncing around was a "treat", but not awful.  Back pain is nagging, not terrible enough to rest or gone enough to decide I'm cured.

Weight: down .8 pounds!

Food:  Note to self - don't put your food for the day on your desk within arms reach because a) you are STARVING each time you glance over at them, and b) you just ate, therefore are not hungry.  This week has been unorganized, thus far from this weeks menu I've only made the chili, which I adore by the way.  Blackberries for breakfast, then my stomach made it's hunger known again about 2 hours later so I had an apple.  Had my first Kashi Go Lean Roll (Choc Turtle) for lunch, awesome flavor, very chewy, moderately filling.  Took pizza to my cousin who just recently had a baby and had a few squares, enough to satisfy my craving, but not enough that I was stuffed. Progress! 

Hopefully I can get back on the menu track (I'm using it as a guideline - making the meals but subbing out things I don't like (sweet potato corn pudding anyone?) with Think Thin Bars, fresh fruit, or Vitamix concoctions (think smoothies, juice, etc).  Speaking of Vitamix, the poor thing is being neglected.  I took all those dutiful notes and did nothing.  Must be better prepared next week.

17 days down; 73 to go,

Love & TAM,

Waste Not, Want Not (Days 18-23)

