This Does Nothing For My Figure

The other day I threw on the first t-shirt and Capri's I could find and got down to business. BAD idea.  The entire workout I felt like something was missing, yet there wasn't, that was until I realized that my gym outfit was a total workout DON'T - I looked like a homeless, sweaty, "what not to wear" applicant.  My t-shirt was 2 sizes too big (it was a "painting t-shirt -circa free giveaway from ages ago), swallowing my Capri's and I felt so unattractive and sloppy it was awful.  Other than knowing I was female, there was NO other distinguishing features that set me apart from a line up of hippie dudes in their "dress sweats".  Epic wardrobe fail :(  Note to all of you, take the extra 2 seconds and think about what you are putting on to workout in(I usually pick mine out the day before and put them in my bathroom).  It makes SUCH a difference.  The next day I carefully chose a super cute tank and Capri's and it made all the difference in my workout and self confidence.  Even though we workout alone, it doesn't mean we can dress like slobs!  So put on the uber cute tank top, sassy gym shorts and dance like no one's watching!

OK, let's get down to business.  Unless noted, all workouts were as prescribed (one fiery, sweaty hour per day) and meals were from the meal plan.  Oh, I substituted Waldorf Salad and Chili, I can't stomach gazpacho again...

Day #26: Finally moved my mat so I don't nail the wall with my flailing leg raises.  Felt serious fiery damnation in my abs during the "all fours balance move" which almost brought me to tears.  You know the joyful, "OMG, look at her rock hard abs" kind :)  Had my first foray with Food Trucks, Sarah's Cake Shop was conveniently parked right behind Cha Cha Chow, and although I averted my eyes at first, my coworker and I almost knocked people over to get to the cupcakes - I almost left my tacos I was so mesmerized by sweets. As you scroll down you'll figure out I purchased TWO cupcakes and I'll be honest, ate them BOTH without a care in the world.  They were fluffy, moist, sweet cake heaven.  For the record I had my Banana's Foster for breakfast and no dinner...that makes it OK, right? Weight - same as yesterday (114.8).

STL Food Trucks

Beef Spare Rib Tacos - AMAZEBALLS

Jelly Donut & Orange Creamsicle Cupcakes

                                                            Banana's Foster - (Recipe)

Day #27: Went to the Hyatt for the Farmers Market Lunch.  Had a fab salad with loads of yummy veggies, spring greens, cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette.  It also includes create your own pasta, so I opted for whole wheat penne, pesto, and added veggies and meat to round it out.  Again, the sweets monster took over, but I did well with a slice of lemon torte/cake and a small cannoli.  Workout was the LONGEST hour ever.  Weight: 114.2!

Day #28: Today started off with a SERIOUS mood booster.  Caught a glimpse (OK a FULL on gawking stare - I take a good look at all my glory each morning to look for progress - what, like you don't look?) of myself in the mirror and wonder who is that chick with the "almost abs", slimming thighs, and perk-ier behind.  Oh, that's me!  It goes without saying it took AWHILE for me to leave my full length mirror and get dressed, but sweet Lord I'm seeing the light!  Added 3 kiwi to my breakfast-I FINALLY mastered poached eggs and they weren't bad! Had a glass of Oberwies Chocolate milk, and for dinner I had a wrap. While doing my shopping the next week I snatched up a lemon herb rotisserie chicken and made my wrap with the meat (no skin), fresh spinach, black beans, red onion, grated cheese, and a spinach tortilla.  It was pretty much items from this weeks menu in a tortilla, and if I do say so myself it was DELISH!  Had some Ben and Jerry's sorbet (a bit more than I should have - OK alot) for dessert.  Has anyone else noticed snack/dessert aren't built into Meta?  I'm not a fan :(

Day #29:  Bananas Foster yogurt, think thin bite, chili.  Prepped all my meals for the week, made a big ol' mess in my kitchen, broke in my Vitamix big time, though I TOTALLY liquefied my veggie snack by accident.  It resembles baby poo..I tried to pulse and it ended up like juice.  NOT looking forward to that now :( Did alot of taste testing, nothing compared to pre TAM, granted it all was all food for the week, but I noticed nonetheless.  During cardio I realized I'm dancing to the music, not following Tracy, so I need to slow down.  Maybe then I can get a grip on cardio and not look like such a hot mess!  My back is bugging me again, but good ol' Advil came to the rescue...Weight: 114.8

Day #30: Broke down and had Starbucks.  Each month we have a day of marathon meetings and it takes every ounce of willpower not to stab myself in the eye so I can be excused.  Got a Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte and thanked the coffee Gods for being SO good...Had my power juice (minus the beet), and I gotta say if its really good and chilled it makes all the difference (does anyone get a film over the top when you refrigerate?  If so, do I drink that?).  It's refreshing, almost like the feeling you get when you have a mint peppermint patty but not, lol.  I'm officially OVER blueberry applesauce, had two bites and was not having it.  Lunch with my coworkers between meetings.  Had a Club Salad with dressing (light glaze, not swimming).  Had a Think Thin Bite for snack, and after that it was a PMS induced haze.  Handful of nuts, chili, few bites of my moms Chinese (this was two seconds AFTER I ate my chili).  It goes without saying my arms got more of a workout from bringing food to my mouth than my workout...sad state of affairs.  My back pain brought his friend side stitch for cardio, and even though I added a V Abs I STILL didn't sweat nearly as much as I should.  Free styling made up majority of my cardio, it was either that or stop completely and go to bed.  Again, not a stellar performance but I got it done.  Weight - 113.8!!!

Day #31: Bananas Foster yogurt, Cajun chicken sandwich with sauteed peppers, onions, and cheese, fries with BBQ sauce, 1/2 a roll with butter, LARGE glass of chocolate milk, and 1 (yes 1-it wouldn't fit into my Ziploc for tomorrows breakfast) grape.  Food/PMS hug anyone?  Been noticing a change in my arms lately, Welcome to the gun show folks!  My right Hip/Groin area was painful today, every leg lift sent tremors through my body.  Is this what guys go through when they are kicked in the junk?  Cuz, I'll never laugh again.  Weight - 114.4

I was going through my photos (procrastinating from my workout) one day, and found a few I hadn't shared yet:

My blender debacle-making juice in a blender is TIME consuming and messy!

The pulp from my "juice".  Gross right? 

My Vitamix :)

Shamrock Cookies I couldn't stay away from.

Pretty Peaushun Anyone?  Haven't used it yet, but I'm dying to!

Meta Abcentric in its unassuming package.  Who knew this little box would contain weapons to kick my ass and truffle shuffle into shape!?

31 days down; 59 to go,

Love & TAM,

Boob Sweat, Restraining Orders, Bugs, Oh My!


Half Assing It